this one has been mulling around for a bit, but i'd like to start getting it tighter, maybe more concise? it's got a cheezy computer string section in it now, i'll have to enlist the help of friends for that one.
it's long, but i enjoy it.
but i have four blogs about myself... of course i enjoy it.
info: 6/8 90
that's right, i said 6/8, deal with it.
any takers for the drum-track? please??
Click here to listen to/download Komezuka to 米塚山と.
This sounds like what you were always envisioning in the garage finally coming to life.
Is that a sigur ros reference at the end?
heh heh.. rad. more like what i was always envisioning in the garage is now being envisioned in the living room.
it would be nice to tidy it up and set drums to it.
and at the end, i guess it's a sigur ros reference... i like it, but i guess it's always going to come across as a sigur ros-ish type of thing... hmmmm... i don't want to just copy them, but i do like their sounds. i'm not sure what to do about that.
thanks for sticking it out, i know it's a long listen.
I like this one so much that I wish I could listen to it with you and discuss it together. Erika really liked it also. In the begining your vocals are simular to sigur ros vocals, but they are unique because the melody is different. It sounds good and I didn't even think of sigur ros, but at the end the melody structure is so close to the melody in one of there sonds that I thought it was the same melody. So, I think if you change the melody a little at the end you will avoid sounding like you "coppied" them.
keep it up!
dude! you are so rad for showing it to erika. and she is so rad for liking it.
you're talking about the vocals at the very very end right? like 8 or 16 bars from the end of the song?
i'll see what i can do, and that's a good idea about changing the melody of that part. thanks mike!
I really like this picture, what is it from.
it's the mountain the song is named after. Komezuka mountain. the name of the song means: "... and Komezuka". as if part of a list of other places.
That photo is stunning. Did you take it? When I get back to my own computer I will listen to the songs you have posted here. Can't wait, you've been quite productive while we've been away..
well, no, the photo i took was much less stunning. heh.
yes, please do listen when you can, i'd really appreciate it.
i can't wait to have dinner with you guys and hear about your trip!
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